About me

My name is Jorge Alvarez. I am 48 years old and I've been working in web projects for the last 20 years.
Since 2005 I've been focused on SaaS applications: developing, managing, measuring and optimising.

In 2004 I founded Oficina Inmobiliaria and in 2005 I launched the first SaaS application for the real estate market in Spain.
In 2008 the real estate bubble burst and the following crisis hit me hard so I had to close the company in 2011.

I've been working for companies in the UK, Germany, Denmark, USA and Spain, most of the time remotely.

I'm the founder of Happy Mood Score a SaaS application that companies can use to get feedback and increase employee engagement.
It has a proactive approach to get feedback from employees and a peer-to-peer recognition tool.
Happy Mood Score is also a metric that helps Human Resources departments or team managers to detect how engaged and happy are their employees. The application uses feedback, gamification, analytics and big data to increase employee engagement and talent retention.

I like to contribute to open source. Check my projects.

I graduated on the first promotion of the Web Analytics Master directed by Gemma Muñoz and organized by KSchool.

I live in Logroño (La Rioja - Spain) with Mayte, Ariadna and Mario.